Business Solutions

Boost your business with our geolocation services

From your specifications, our experts recommend you an online cartographic solution, based on wireframes. We answer your business needs and take into account your technical environment.

We attach the same importance to the ergonomic and design of our business applications as our web solutions.

Easily integrated within your CRM, Intranet or Extranet

SaaS mode solutions for an easy deployment

Maintenance included

OS and browsers compatibility

Update of cartographic data

Locator Portfolio

Optimize your sales effort

By consulting prospects and clients near their meetings, your teams save significant time (advanced filter, integration with the CRM…)

Solutions métiers portfolio locator par evermaps
Solutions métiers partner locator par evermaps

Partner locator

Promote your partners

Give an optimal service to your clients : through your call centers or an online environment, allow your clients to find your closest licensed partners, while also taking into account your business rules.

Real estate solutions

Display with precision your program assets

Provide your advisors with user-friendly tools to highlight the goods and programs to their targets : schools nearby, price per square meter, transports…

Solutions métiers solutions immobilier par evermaps
Solutions métiers attribution de leads par evermaps

Leads assignment

Unify your acquisition channels

Leads assignment solutions : link a digital lead to an agency depending on specifics rules (assurance, real estate…)

Mobile asset management

Optimize your team itineraries

Solutions for ‘mobile asset management’ optimizing resources : thanks to our long-term partnership with Here, worldwide leader on automobile cartographic market, you can optimize your mobile team itineraries (delivery teams, customer service, sales…).

Solutions métiers mobile asset mangement par evermaps

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Geolocation in the Web-to-Store ecosystem

Store Locator

Thanks to its advanced search engine, its optimal SEO network and its enhanced local pages, our Store Locator boosts your Google ranking and offers an unequaled user experience.

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Google my Business

Our technologies and expert teams ensure you an optimal visibility and appeal on the main Web to Store platform.

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Presence Management

Ensure a better visibility and boost your performance thanks to a harmonized diffusion of your data on key platforms selected by evermaps.

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Local reviews

evermaps helps you improve your customer satisfaction but also your stores ranking. You can better understand reviews submitted in your network and answer them more easily.

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