Local reviews

Your local reviews, easily managed

They trust us

Local reviews, your e-reputation guarantor

75% of French people regularly consult local reviews to have information towards their services.

95% of French web visitors who consult local reviews also read answers given by the listing owner.

Centralize all your reviews

Centralize all your reviews in one platform. Manage those reviews at a national, regional or local scale.

Save time, answer efficiently

We provide templates to save time with your answers. Customize these templates according to your customers and improve your e-reputation !

Optimize your time and response rate

Response time and response rate are nowadays a key element of customer satisfaction. Take advantage of complete statistics and optimize your e-reputation.

All your reviews, just one platform

Collecting / reinforcement

Answers templates



Visibility / Reporting / Analytics

Interfacing with GBP - Facebook


An international platform

A Console that integrates Ixina France and Ixina Belgium, but also the other brands of the FBD group with Cuisine Référence, Cuisine Plus and Vanden Borre Kitchen.

A complete management of your e-reputation

All customer reviews are centralised in the Central Console, supported by statistical tables and an alerting system managed by the customer service department.

100% response rate target

Processes have been put in place to respond to reviews on a daily basis, with almost 100% response rate today !

A few numbers...

2021 vs. 2020


of reviews for Ixina BE


of reviews answered

0,14 pts

more for an average rating of 4,5

Complétez votre stratégie Web to Store

Store Locator

Thanks to its advanced search engine, its optimal SEO network and its enhanced local pages, our Store Locator boosts your Google ranking and offers an unequaled user experience.

Learn more     >

Presence Management

Ensure a better visibility and boost your performance thanks to a harmonized diffusion of your data on key platforms selected by evermaps.

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