Our APIs

From Bottin-Carto to evermaps, cartography is in our DNA

A rare expertise

Created more than 10 years ago, evermaps knew how to keep and develop a rare expertise in geolocation and cartography in France and all over the world.

By integrating BottinCartographes-Planfax, evermaps has inherited a singular DNA : pioneer, the company has developed, in the 90s, the first web dynamic cartography solutions. Back in 1996, the first French Store Locator is built on Bottin-Carto technologies, who will be precursor again in 2003 with the first mobile Store Locator in France !

Editor and owner of its own base maps, the society kept its independence and supports daily more than 100 key accounts subscribed to its services (Caisse d’Epargne, Société Générale, Foncia, Allianz, Poivre Rouge etc.)

Alternative solutions to Google Maps

To support its clients, evermaps offers several types of cartographic APIs, based on Here and TomTom qualitative data, combined with a strong platform fully hosted in France (AWS platform).

Do you have specific needs not covered by our APIs ? Since 2012, evermaps is the certified Here reseller for Drive to Store projects in France.

Our APIs benefits

All-in-one solutions, evermaps APIs integrate a precise geocoding, a map-rendering engine with non-restrained navigation (mouse scroll to zoom…) and complete features of cars and pedestrian itineraries (roadmap and route). For the brave ones, our tools allow corridoring, polygons managements…

And of course, all evermaps maps are built for touchscreen devices.


  • Either you choose our APIs and our experts support you for its use
  • Either you choose our “Plug & Play” mode : your solution is built and tailor-made by evermaps. We ensure SEO optimization, UI, technical performance…

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From cartography to Web-to-Store, there is just one step

Store Locator

Thanks to its advanced search engine, its optimal SEO network and its enhanced local pages, our Store Locator boosts your Google ranking and offers an unequaled user experience.

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Google my Business

Our technologies and expert teams ensure you an optimal visibility and appeal on the main Web to Store platform.

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Presence Management

Ensure a better visibility and boost your performance thanks to a harmonized diffusion of your data on key platforms selected by evermaps.

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Local reviews

evermaps helps you improve your customer satisfaction but also your stores ranking. You can better understand reviews submitted in your network and answer them more easily.

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